**************** Ranking counters **************** Runtime (Coefficient %) PAPI_BR_MSP: 52.6498551306257% PAPI_SR_INS: 22.0783644416137% PAPI_BR_NTK: 10.1645631842482% PAPI_FP_INS: 8.42010645946181% PAPI_RES_STL: 3.12662368932407% PAPI_BR_TKN: 2.97877383218554% PAPI_L1_STM: 0.581713262541046% System Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_VEC_INS: 97.6351124603146% PAPI_SR_INS: 1.14218168073709% PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.868406858322159% PAPI_RES_STL: 0.354299000626199% CPU Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_VEC_INS: 98.9850791362835% PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.433048913824565% PAPI_SR_INS: 0.423524594990146% PAPI_RES_STL: 0.158347354901764% Memory Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_FML_INS: 87.7818179602399% PAPI_SR_INS: 5.43673214295473% PAPI_BR_NTK: 4.87920233393449% PAPI_FP_INS: 1.90224756287091% **************** List of counters for suggestions(Rank from the highest to lowest) **************** PAPI_BR_MSP PAPI_VEC_INS PAPI_FML_INS PAPI_SR_INS PAPI_BR_NTK PAPI_FP_INS PAPI_RES_STL PAPI_BR_TKN **************** Correlations for final counters **************** PAPI_BR_MSP: Occurred in Runtime PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-1 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.99587203 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.98968008 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=1 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_VEC_INS: Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.90092879 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_FML_INS: Occurred in Memory_Power PAPI_SR_INS: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_BR_MSP: Corr Value=0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.99793602 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_BR_NTK: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_VEC_INS: Corr Value=-0.90092879 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_FP_INS: Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power PAPI_BR_MSP: Corr Value=-1 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.99587203 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.98968008 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-1 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_RES_STL: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_BR_MSP: Corr Value=-0.99587203 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.99174407 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.99587203 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.9876161 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.99587203 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_BR_TKN: Occurred in Runtime PAPI_BR_MSP: Corr Value=-0.98968008 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.99793602 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.98968008 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.9876161 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.98968008 : Occurred in Runtime