**************** Ranking counters **************** Runtime (Coefficient %) PAPI_L2_ICM: 79.2307786494286% PAPI_L2_TCA: 12.677099606079% PAPI_L1_DCM: 7.83341942192181% PAPI_L1_LDM: 0.167909289988928% PAPI_L3_TCM: 0.0466944202062764% PAPI_L1_ICM: 0.0231996352327992% PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.0208989771425201% System Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_L2_ICM: 90.2964174965503% PAPI_L3_TCM: 9.63501247753098% PAPI_RES_STL: 0.0685700259187391% CPU Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_L2_ICM: 90.2936888114821% PAPI_L3_TCM: 9.63755127986583% PAPI_RES_STL: 0.0687599086520711% Memory Power (Coefficient %) PAPI_L2_ICM: 87.0445538710773% PAPI_L3_TCM: 12.8820932461808% PAPI_RES_STL: 0.0733528827419406% **************** List of counters for suggestions(Rank from the highest to lowest) **************** PAPI_L2_ICM PAPI_L2_TCA PAPI_L1_DCM PAPI_L3_TCM **************** Correlations for final counters **************** PAPI_L2_ICM: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L3_TCM: Corr Value=0.82467532 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=0.92337662 : Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L2_TCA: Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L1_DCM: Occurred in Runtime PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.92337662 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L3_TCM: Corr Value=0.85584416 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L3_TCM: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.82467532 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=0.85584416 : Occurred in Runtime