1. %

gtc_bench 2.0

Download Ranking
Ranking counters

Runtime (Coefficient %)
PAPI_TLB_IM: 94.902483420751%
PAPI_CA_CLN: 4.50405194498244%
PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.497308144599524%
PAPI_CA_SHR: 0.0548173803605201%
PAPI_BR_INS: 0.0413391093065682%

System Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L2_ICM: 97.6624964305168%
PAPI_CA_ITV: 2.30679820740865%
PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.025037279370989%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.0039721815280871%
PAPI_RES_STL: 0.00108720953370416%
PAPI_BR_CN: 0.00060869164176082%

CPU Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L2_ICM: 89.3482290365862%
PAPI_CA_ITV: 10.6516666227037%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.000104340710112289%

Memory Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L2_ICM: 76.1883667830251%
PAPI_CA_ITV: 10.4498767588103%
PAPI_TLB_DM: 9.46801105278613%
PAPI_L2_ICA: 3.12802469514772%
PAPI_L2_LDM: 0.705863370304097%
PAPI_BR_TKN: 0.0281968465101317%
PAPI_CA_SHR: 0.0174451216773195%
PAPI_L1_ICA: 0.0070183161972509%
PAPI_FP_OPS: 0.00299954861252677%
PAPI_RES_STL: 0.00252242049821888%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.00167508643117999%

List of counters for suggestions(Rank from the highest to lowest)

Correlations for final counters

PAPI_TLB_IM: Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.83621085 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.86737968 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.83101604 : Occurred in System_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.8236822 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.85210084 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.82490451 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_L2_ICM: Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.83621085 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93705118 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.83834989 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96516425 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.81420932 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.80473644 : Occurred in System_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.81237586 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.81604278 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_CA_CLN: Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.82521008 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.85210084 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.80443086 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.8487395 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_CA_ITV: Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.93705118 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.93246753 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_TLB_DM: Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.83834989 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=0.82521008 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.86462949 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.84904507 : Occurred in System_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.84782277 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.84629488 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.85271199 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_L2_ICA: Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.96516425 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.86737968 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93246753 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.86462949 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.8065699 : Occurred in System_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.86126814 : Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.8670741 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.8631016 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

Download Word Report
        Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 6.8745613E-10

PAPI_TLB_IM: 1.0531429E-06 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 6
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.83621085 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.86737968 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.83101604 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.8236822 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.82490451 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 1 1 1 2 
PAPI_CA_CLN: 4.9981941E-08 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.82521008 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.80443086 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.8487395 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=2 1 0 0 1 
PAPI_BR_NTK: 5.5186811E-09 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 6
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=0.84751719 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.80106952 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 6/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.90771581 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.83315508 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.87135218 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.84201681 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_CA_SHR: 6.0831427E-10 Response Impact: 4/5 0/6 0/3 7/11
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 2
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_BR_INS: 4.5874447E-10 Response Impact: 5/5 0/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=0.84751719 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.91168831 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 6/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 42.882709

PAPI_L2_ICM: 6179148.8 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11
Num Correlated: 8
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.83621085 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.83834989 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96516425 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.80473644 Avg Rank=+7.5 Response Impact: 0/5 5/6 0/3 10/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.81237586 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.81604278 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=8 1 2 1 4 
PAPI_CA_ITV: 145952.13 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.93246753 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=6 0 2 1 3 
PAPI_BR_NTK: 1584.1196 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 6
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=0.84751719 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.80106952 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 6/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.90771581 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.83315508 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.87135218 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.84201681 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_FP_INS: 251.32166 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11
Num Correlated: 9
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=-0.8236822 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.83315508 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=-0.84782277 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=-0.86126814 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.94102368 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=0.9749427 Avg Rank=+8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.99786096 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=7 2 1 1 3 
PAPI_RES_STL: 68.788222 Response Impact: 0/5 5/6 0/3 10/11
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.80473644 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_CN: 38.512186 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11
Num Correlated: 7
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.83101604 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=0.90771581 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.84904507 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.8065699 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.94102368 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.96913675 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.94591291 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 1 0 0 2 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 30.016191

PAPI_L2_ICM: 2464089.9 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11
Num Correlated: 8
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.83621085 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.83834989 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96516425 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.80473644 Avg Rank=+7.5 Response Impact: 0/5 5/6 0/3 10/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.81237586 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.81604278 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=8 1 2 1 4 
PAPI_CA_ITV: 293756.96 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.93246753 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=6 0 2 1 3 
PAPI_FP_INS:  2.87756 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11
Num Correlated: 9
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=-0.8236822 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.83315508 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=-0.84782277 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=-0.86126814 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.94102368 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=0.9749427 Avg Rank=+8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.99786096 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=7 2 1 1 3 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 3.9757534

PAPI_L2_ICM: 483232.69 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11
Num Correlated: 8
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.83621085 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.83834989 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96516425 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=0.80473644 Avg Rank=+7.5 Response Impact: 0/5 5/6 0/3 10/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.81237586 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.81604278 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=8 1 2 1 4 
PAPI_CA_ITV: 66279.437 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.93705118 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.93246753 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=6 0 2 1 3 
PAPI_TLB_DM: 60051.851 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11
Num Correlated: 7
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.83834989 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=0.82521008 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.86462949 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.84904507 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.84782277 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.84629488 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.85271199 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=6 1 1 1 3 
PAPI_L2_ICA: 19839.824 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11
Num Correlated: 8
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.96516425 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=0.86737968 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_ITV: Corr Value=0.93246753 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 2/6 2/3 2/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=0.86462949 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.8065699 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=-0.86126814 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=-0.8670741 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.8631016 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=8 1 2 1 4 
PAPI_L2_LDM: 4477.0123 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 5/11
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 1
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_BR_TKN: 178.84145 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 6/11
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=0.80106952 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=0.91168831 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_CA_SHR: 110.64751 Response Impact: 4/5 0/6 0/3 7/11
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 2
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_L1_ICA: 44.514405 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11
Num Correlated: 9
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=-0.81237586 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=-0.80443086 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.87135218 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=-0.84629488 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=-0.8670741 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.96913675 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.9749427 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.9776929 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=7 2 1 1 3 
PAPI_FP_OPS: 19.024951 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11
Num Correlated: 9
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=-0.81604278 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=-0.82490451 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=-0.8487395 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.84201681 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=-0.85271199 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=-0.8631016 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.94591291 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.99786096 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=0.9776929 Avg Rank=+8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=7 2 1 1 3 
PAPI_RES_STL: 15.998716 Response Impact: 0/5 5/6 0/3 10/11
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=0.80473644 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 1 1 1 
PAPI_FP_INS: 10.624411 Response Impact: 0/5 4/6 3/3 11/11
Num Correlated: 9
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICM: Corr Value=-0.81420932 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 0/5 1/6 1/3 1/11 
	PAPI_TLB_IM: Corr Value=-0.8236822 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_CA_CLN: Corr Value=-0.85210084 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.83315508 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 3/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_TLB_DM: Corr Value=-0.84782277 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 3/11 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=-0.86126814 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 4/11 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.94102368 Avg Rank=-6 Response Impact: 0/5 6/6 0/3 0/11 
	PAPI_L1_ICA: Corr Value=0.9749427 Avg Rank=+8 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 8/11 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.99786096 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/6 0/3 9/11 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=7 2 1 1 3