1. %


Download Ranking
Ranking counters

Runtime (Coefficient %)
PAPI_FDV_INS: 99.995406491647%
PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.00332971936046625%
PAPI_L1_DCM: 0.000809364556218947%
PAPI_BR_TKN: 0.000242929142279249%
PAPI_BR_INS: 7.87001420827221e-05%
PAPI_BR_CN: 6.12274015924435e-05%
PAPI_L1_STM: 4.72591543856155e-05%
PAPI_RES_STL: 2.43085959228401e-05%

System Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_STM: 81.248723005903%
PAPI_BR_INS: 15.6620488136235%
PAPI_BR_CN: 3.08922818047349%

CPU Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_STM: 81.046090627134%
PAPI_BR_INS: 18.0226949802404%
PAPI_TOT_IIS: 0.931214392625633%

Memory Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_ICM: 93.5102481242777%
PAPI_FP_OPS: 4.97258509601295%
PAPI_BR_INS: 0.723049131421293%
PAPI_BR_CN: 0.456470602026712%
PAPI_L1_DCM: 0.33764704626139%

List of counters for suggestions(Rank from the highest to lowest)

Correlations for final counters

PAPI_FDV_INS: Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.81818182 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.87878788 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.9030303 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=0.9030303 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.97575758 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power Memory_Power 

PAPI_L1_STM: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.87878788 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.86666667 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.84242424 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.85454545 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power Memory_Power 

PAPI_L1_ICM: Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_BR_INS: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.86666667 : Occurred in Runtime 

PAPI_BR_CN: Occurred in Runtime System_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=-0.97575758 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.85454545 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.86666667 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=-0.83030303 : Occurred in Runtime Memory_Power 

PAPI_FP_OPS: Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.81818182 : Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.86666667 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power 
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.83030303 : Occurred in Runtime 

Download Word Report
        Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 9.8280877E-10

PAPI_FDV_INS: 2.3129728E-05 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 5
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.81818182 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.87878788 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.9030303 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=0.9030303 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.97575758 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_NTK: 7.7019041E-10 Response Impact: 2/8 0/3 0/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 1
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_L1_DCM: 1.8721242E-10 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.9030303 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.87878788 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=2 2 0 0 0 
PAPI_BR_TKN: 5.6191431E-11 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 5
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=-0.9030303 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.84242424 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=-0.87878788 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_INS: 1.8203965E-11 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.86666667 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 8/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_BR_CN: 1.4162382E-11 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=-0.97575758 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 2 1 1 0 
PAPI_L1_STM: 1.0931416E-11 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.87878788 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.84242424 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 1 1 1 1 
PAPI_RES_STL: 5.6227704E-12 Response Impact: 8/8 0/3 0/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=-0.86666667 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 13.882119

PAPI_L1_STM: 1840.4758 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.87878788 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.84242424 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 1 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_INS: 354.78246 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.86666667 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 8/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_BR_CN: 69.978327 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=-0.97575758 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 2 1 1 0 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency:        0

PAPI_L1_STM: 1601.497 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.87878788 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.84242424 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 1 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_INS: 356.13429 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.86666667 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 8/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_TOT_IIS: 18.401098 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 3/3 0/5
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 1
No Correlated Counters.
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency:        0

PAPI_L1_ICM: 7114.7113 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 1/5
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 1
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_FP_OPS: 378.33829 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.81818182 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_INS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 1 1 1 1 
PAPI_BR_INS: 55.01307 Response Impact: 5/8 2/3 2/3 3/5
Num Correlated: 2
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FP_OPS: Corr Value=-0.80606061 Avg Rank=-2 Response Impact: 0/8 0/3 0/3 2/5 
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.86666667 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 8/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_BR_CN: 34.730488 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=-0.97575758 Avg Rank=-1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.85454545 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 7/8 1/3 1/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=0.86666667 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_L1_DCM: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=4 2 1 1 0 
PAPI_L1_DCM: 25.689818 Response Impact: 3/8 0/3 0/3 5/5
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 3
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.9030303 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_TKN: Corr Value=-0.87878788 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 4/8 0/3 0/3 0/5 
	PAPI_BR_CN: Corr Value=-0.83030303 Avg Rank=-4.33 Response Impact: 6/8 3/3 0/3 4/5 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=2 2 0 0 0