1. %

eq3dyna 1.0; eqdyna3drun-hybrid-original

Download Ranking
Ranking counters

Runtime (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_ICM: 62.83030894407%
PAPI_L2_ICA: 33.5858437313733%
PAPI_L2_DCW: 3.57879931679617%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.00431476328600543%
PAPI_BR_NTK: 0.000733244474529652%

System Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_ICM: 97.8678976583216%
PAPI_L2_DCW: 1.53932086228343%
PAPI_L1_STM: 0.248746941621189%
PAPI_L2_TCW: 0.248746941621189%
PAPI_TLB_DM: 0.0755152389216649%
PAPI_RES_STL: 0.00777009915636103%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.00774645080170163%
PAPI_L1_TCA: 0.00425580727284292%

CPU Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_ICM: 97.8371100290803%
PAPI_TLB_DM: 1.37467441620947%
PAPI_L2_DCW: 0.774777372354125%
PAPI_RES_STL: 0.00916257361324859%
PAPI_FP_INS: 0.00242011081335117%
PAPI_FML_INS: 0.00185549792950839%

Memory Power (Coefficient %)
PAPI_L1_ICM: 93.6227467805036%
PAPI_L2_STM: 3.82084269747203%
PAPI_L1_STM: 0.899978319103236%
PAPI_L2_DCW: 0.849518650300005%
PAPI_FDV_INS: 0.692567365292402%
PAPI_TLB_DM: 0.0918767192425576%
PAPI_RES_STL: 0.00991395428457325%
PAPI_L1_TCA: 0.00683764562894114%
PAPI_SR_INS: 0.00571786817262126%

List of counters for suggestions(Rank from the highest to lowest)

Correlations for final counters

PAPI_L1_ICM: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96165995 : Occurred in Runtime 

PAPI_L2_ICA: Occurred in Runtime 
	PAPI_L1_ICM: Corr Value=0.96165995 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 

PAPI_L2_DCW: Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99458661 : Occurred in System_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 : Occurred in System_Power 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95747116 : Occurred in System_Power Memory_Power 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87795276 : Occurred in Memory_Power 

PAPI_TLB_DM: Occurred in System_Power CPU_Power Memory_Power 

PAPI_L2_STM: Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.99127335 : Occurred in Memory_Power 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.91872482 : Occurred in Runtime System_Power CPU_Power 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.92433277 : Occurred in CPU_Power 

Download Word Report
        Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 3.9416004E-10

PAPI_L1_ICM: 6.5852623E-06 Response Impact: 1/5 1/8 1/6 1/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96165995 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_L2_ICA: 3.5201417E-06 Response Impact: 2/5 0/8 0/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_ICM: Corr Value=0.96165995 Avg Rank=+1 Response Impact: 1/5 1/8 1/6 1/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_L2_DCW: 3.7509496E-07 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87795276 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_FP_INS: 4.5223155E-10 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_STM: Corr Value=0.91872482 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.91323132 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.99844351 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_BR_NTK: 7.6851559E-11 Response Impact: 5/5 0/8 0/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_RES_STL: Corr Value=-0.82712072 Avg Rank=-5.67 Response Impact: 0/5 6/8 4/6 7/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 41.56653

PAPI_L1_ICM:  1317108 Response Impact: 1/5 1/8 1/6 1/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96165995 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_L2_DCW: 20716.209 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87795276 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_L1_STM: 3347.641 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=1 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87777536 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_L2_TCW: 3347.641 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=1 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87777536 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_TLB_DM: 1016.2855 Response Impact: 0/5 5/8 2/6 6/9
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 3
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_RES_STL: 104.57014 Response Impact: 0/5 6/8 4/6 7/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.82712072 Avg Rank=-5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_FP_INS: 104.25188 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_STM: Corr Value=0.91872482 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.91323132 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.99844351 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_L1_TCA: 57.274734 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=0.89958341 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 26.452081

PAPI_L1_ICM: 563801.12 Response Impact: 1/5 1/8 1/6 1/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96165995 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_TLB_DM: 7921.7689 Response Impact: 0/5 5/8 2/6 6/9
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 3
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_L2_DCW: 4464.7716 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87795276 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_RES_STL: 52.800714 Response Impact: 0/5 6/8 4/6 7/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.82712072 Avg Rank=-5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_FP_INS: 13.946254 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_STM: Corr Value=0.91872482 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.91323132 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.99844351 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_FML_INS: 10.692587 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_STM: Corr Value=0.92433277 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9 
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.91668765 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.99844351 Avg Rank=+5.33 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
Counter Ranking
Counter Impact Template: runtime rank/maxRank power_sys rank/maxRank power_cpu rank/maxRank power_mem rank/maxRank

Frequency: 4.3977528

PAPI_L1_ICM: 333958.76 Response Impact: 1/5 1/8 1/6 1/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_ICA: Corr Value=0.96165995 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 2/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=5 2 1 1 1 
PAPI_L2_STM: 13629.208 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_FDV_INS: Corr Value=0.99127335 Avg Rank=+5 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.91872482 Avg Rank=+5.33 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.92433277 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_L1_STM: 3210.2844 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=1 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87777536 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_L2_DCW: 3030.2913 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=0.99458661 Avg Rank=+4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=-0.87795276 Avg Rank=-9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_FDV_INS: 2470.4353 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 5/9
Num Correlated: 3
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L2_STM: Corr Value=0.99127335 Avg Rank=+2 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 2/9 
	PAPI_FP_INS: Corr Value=0.91323132 Avg Rank=+5.33 Response Impact: 4/5 7/8 5/6 0/9 
	PAPI_FML_INS: Corr Value=0.91668765 Avg Rank=+6 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 6/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=1 0 0 0 1 
PAPI_TLB_DM: 327.73056 Response Impact: 0/5 5/8 2/6 6/9
Num Correlated: 0
Num Responses Covered: 3
No Correlated Counters.
PAPI_RES_STL: 35.363755 Response Impact: 0/5 6/8 4/6 7/9
Num Correlated: 1
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_BR_NTK: Corr Value=-0.82712072 Avg Rank=-5 Response Impact: 5/5 0/8 0/6 0/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=0 0 0 0 0 
PAPI_L1_TCA: 24.390351 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=-0.95747116 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=-0.95337392 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_SR_INS: Corr Value=0.89958341 Avg Rank=+9 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1 
PAPI_SR_INS: 20.396028 Response Impact: 0/5 0/8 0/6 9/9
Num Correlated: 4
Num Responses Covered: 4
Correlated Counters with Impact Responses:
	PAPI_L1_STM: Corr Value=-0.87777536 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 0/5 3/8 0/6 3/9 
	PAPI_L2_DCW: Corr Value=-0.87795276 Avg Rank=-3 Response Impact: 3/5 2/8 3/6 4/9 
	PAPI_L2_TCW: Corr Value=-0.87777536 Avg Rank=-4 Response Impact: 0/5 4/8 0/6 0/9 
	PAPI_L1_TCA: Corr Value=0.89958341 Avg Rank=+8 Response Impact: 0/5 8/8 0/6 8/9 
Number of Times Counter Set Members are Top-Ranked (threshold=0.333): sum=3 0 2 0 1